
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) provided Technical Assistance to Saint Lucia to conduct a comprehensive review on the implementation of gender equality frameworks and practices in Saint Lucia. This report assesses the implementation of gender equality policies and provides recommendations for strengthening the National Gender Machinery, aiming to develop a national gender equality policy statement and strategy. The assessment involved consultations with stakeholders from various sectors to review Saint Lucia’s commitments to gender equality, including regional and international agreements such as the Beijing Platform for Action and CEDAW.

Key findings revealed insufficient resources hindering the Gender Machinery’s ability to promote gender equality effectively. The report suggests integrating gender perspectives into national frameworks like the National Adaptation Plan and the Medium-Term Development Strategy. It calls for enhanced coordination, increased resources, and a shift to a results-based approach within the Department. Recommendations include elevating the Department’s status within the government, strengthening its leadership, appointing gender focal points across sectors, and establishing additional structures like a Parliamentary Gender Caucus and a National Council of Women’s Voluntary Organizations. Furthermore, it advocates for public education to raise awareness about gender equality and the Gender Machinery’s broader mission beyond addressing gender-based violence.

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Report of the Assessment of the Implementation of Gender Equality Frameworks and Practices in Saint Lucia